Tuesday, January 1, 2013

After a little hiatus from the blog, I am back. Its New Years day, and in a few days it will have been a year since I started the meditation journey. Hard to believe I have kept at it this long. I really thought I might last 3 months at the most, but no, its been a year. What have I learned in the past year? Besides my surprise that I have kept at it, and will continue into the next year, that some things were easy and some were harder than I imagined. What I found easy, was the immediate benefit I felt after every meditation session. On the hard side, was getting that same feeling when meditating at home. I also had the belief, that once I had a good meditation experience, I would be able to get to that feeling every session and improve upon it. Big mistake and lots of frustration! So, in 2013, I will continue the journey, focus on the humor,  and try to improve myself to the next level (whatever that is). Onward!

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